

Chromatic partiture

In this series of work Ružić strives to link painting and music. He creates his work by collecting the partitures which he used to play and pasting them in a collage technique on a surface over which he paints abstraction.

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One of the biggest representatives of comprehensive artwork ideal were Wagner and Skrjabin who sometimes created their work with equal and emphasized collaboration of a few art forms.

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Selected solo exhibitions in Croatia

2010. “Galije i jedrenjaci” (Boats), Opatija
2012 “Obojeni zvukovi pejzaža” (Colors of the peisage), Rukavac
2013 “Opatijski kupači” (Swimmers), Open air theatre Opatija
2014 Exhibition in Art pavilion Juraj Šporer, Opatija
2015 “Colors of Kvarner”, Buzet
2017 “Mačak z Voloskega”, Gradska galerija Crikvenica
2017 “Concertual Art”, Gallery La Cisterna, Mošćenička Draga
2017 “Concertual Art” City gallery, Matulji
2018 “Night Speaking” St Krševan Gallery, International Children’s Festival, Šibenik
2018 “Concertual Art” St Nicolas Gallery, Malinska
2019 “Chromatic partitures” Galley Krsto Hegedušić, Petrinja
2019 “Chromatic partitures” St Krševan Gallery, Šibenik
2019 „Sculptures”, Slavonski Brod
2019 “Chromatic partitures”, Gallery church Sv. Trojice, Kastav
2019 “Wagner and Chromatic partitures”, Gallery Greta, Zagreb
2020 „Forbidden Melody, Regional museum Buzet
2020 „Wagner“, Gallery Lapidarij, Omišalj
2020 „Forbidden Melody“, Gallery Zlati Ajngel, Varaždin
2020 „Forbidden Mellody“, Gallery Pik, Rab
2020 „Wagner”, Gallery Alvona, Labin
2020 “Forbidden Mellody“, EXPORTDRVO, Rijeka
2020 “Forbidden“, Museum of Knin, Knin
2020 „Wagner“, Gallery Galženica, Velika Gorica
2021 “Wagner“, Pavillion Juraj Šporer, Opatija
2021 “Moguće nemoguće“, Gallery Antuna Augustinčić, Klanjec
2021 “Forbidden Mellody“, Gallery Vladimir Bužančić, Zagreb

 International solo exhibitions

August 2014 “Zug der Farben”, Galerie Lumina, Vienna, Austria
October 2015 “Der Kater aus Volosko”, Museum der Stadt Bad Ischl, Austria
November 2015 “Der Kater aus Volosko”, Galerie Einraum, Gleisdorf, Austria
February 2017 “Spiritual Market”, Galerie Cars&Arts, Vienna, Austria
January 2018 “Spiritual Market”, Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia

January 2020    „Sandhour“, Institut für Alles Mögliche, Berlin, Germany


Group exhibitions

September 2017 “Cycles”, Galerie 11b, Salzburg, Austria
May 2018 Design Week Zagreb, Croatia
June 2018 Final exhibition of Master students, Gallery Kortil, Rijeka, Croatia
July 2018 Final exhibition of Master students, Baška, Croatia

2020 “Neizvjesna izložba“, Galerija Kortil, Rijeka, Croatia

2020    “Umjetnost i politika“, HDLU Istre, Pula, Croatia

2020    Godišnja izložba članova HDLU-a, (Gallery Prsten, Gallery PM, Dom HDLU),Zagreb

2020    “Zvučne okupacije“, Gallery SKC Rijeka, Croatia

2021    Exhibition of the new HDLUR members, Gallery HDLU Rijeka, Croatia